Multitasking is easier than ever
The OneBlood organization completed the Hemoflow device implementation project and has received many wonderful reviews from the staff regarding how easy the device is to use.
Staff members called out some of the benefits including: the ability to get more UBs than before, the entire phlebotomist procedure is easier, the countdown scrub time is helpful, multitasking is easier and it is possible to work on more than one or two donors at a time.
The implementation of the HemoFlow device has been a tremendous accomplishment for the organization.
Angelica Dragotas, PMP
PMO Project Manager

User friendly and completely integrated
"We implemented HemoFlow 400 XS mixers in 2015. Support staff at Applied Science made implementation a breeze. The mixers are very user friendly and best of all, completely integrates with our BECS system. The integration allows us to perform a completely paperless donation process. The variable blood volume feature has increased our plasma volume from whole blood units and therefore increased revenue. Besides the mixer clamping at a pre-determined target volume, it can also be set to clamp at a pre-determined time to prevent max. draw times. Very happy with this device!”
Kay Loftis, RN
Director of Donor Services
The Blood Connection

Safely and efficiently maximizes collections
Blood Bank of Delmarva (BBD) implemented the HemoFlow 400XS in March 2014, replacing the HemoFlow 300 models that were in use across fixed sites and mobiles. The updated, yet reminiscent, design was well received by staff and provided for an easy transition.
The HemoFlow 400XS, in conjunction with the Variable Blood Volume (VBV) software option, safely maximizes individual collections based on input of the donor’s gender, height, and weight. The Collections Management Reporting System (CMRS) software provides a platform for blood centers to customize scale operation configurations and collate data for retention. Configurations, such as time limits, required bar code scans, ad incident labels, allow for additional donor safety parameters and error reduction strategies. The CMRS software places transmitted data into an output file for electronic retention, thus eliminating the need for handwritten daily calibration forms for approximately 70 scales. We look forward to future upgrades and continued success with these scales.
Amanda R. Miller, RN
Operations Support Associate – Donor Services
Blood Bank of Delmarva

HemoFlow Blood Scale and Mixer: Smaller, faster, better, safer
Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center took a step to ensure greater donor safety in November 2012, when the Mobile Collections department found a need to replace the traditional trip scale used to measure the weight of blood as it is drawn. The goal was to maximize efficiency while considering mobile settings where space is a premium.
A cross-functional project team spent 14 months performing extensive research, validation and training before the 3.5-pound HemoFlow 400XS was implemented in early January 2014. Though the device was originally intended for use with mobile drives, Neighborhood Donor Center managers recognized its effectiveness for fixed donation sites as well. Feedback from our staff indicates that the 400XS is safe and easy to use.
Perhaps the 400XS’s most useful feature is how it takes variable blood volume into account, potentially reducing reactions while maximizing collections. The technician can input the donor’s weight, height and gender, and the device will automatically clamp the tubing once the optimal amount of blood has been collected. This prevents overdraws and reduces quantity not sufficient units while maximizing collections. In addition, the bag tray shakes itself to mix blood with anticoagulant, freeing the technician to focus on other aspects of donor safety.
The purchase of approximately 150 HF 400XS units has solidified The Blood Center’s position as an industry leader in the Gulf Coast region.
Lynn Raggio
Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center