Hemoflow Devices

The Hemoflow 400XS portable scale and mixer

The CE Marked and 510(k) Cleared HemoFlow 400XS helps improve the collection efficiency of each donation with simplified processes and data management. HemoFlow incorporates fail-safe mechanisms to protect against data loss in the event of unexpected interruptions and gives busy phlebotomists the support they need when they need it with an easy-to-read backlit display, user-friendly directions during the draw process, and audible and flash alarms if anomalies are about to occur. HemoFlow devices were created to meet current and future operational needs of blood centers and hospital staff. See how the HemoFlow portable scale and mixer can enhance your collection processes with:

  • Revenue enhancement with the Variable Blood Volume module
  • Robust data management capabilities
  • Easy-to-read user-friendly displays
laptop and tablet with adept interface

Enabling Connectivity

HemoVue: A cloud-based reporting system provides real-time data and on-screen analytics for greater operational visibility

CMRS: Collections Management Reporting Solution is a proprietary software that provides real-time monitoring, configuration, and standardization of the validation process

BEPAS: An automation solution that allows you to connect any device to any BECS or other data system, maximizing existing technology investments

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benefits phlebotomy

Automating Phlebotomy Procedures

Creating more precise, hassle-free processes for acute Normovolemic Hemodilution, Hemochromatosis, Polycythemia and Porphyries

Optimizing Whole Blood Collection

The Variable Blood Volume (VBV) option optimizes collection for each donor.

Variable Blood Volume Module

Reducing Donor Reactions: Collection volumes will adjust to donor’s total blood volume to reduce low weight donor reactions

Increasing Plasma Collection: Higher volumes can be collected from appropriate donors

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Easy to Use

Preset volume options and mounts for beds or mobile collection

Lightweight with the longest battery life

Offers a control panel at your fingertips while providing the user step by step instruction throughout the donation process

Decreasing QNS

Customers have achieved QNS reductions up to 189%*

*published data available on request

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Global Recognition

510(k) Cleared and CE Marked: popular in countries around the globe

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Real-Time Data

With HemoVue, a data stream companion to HemoFlow, blood centers can obtain real-time blood collection metrics

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Lightweight Durability

3.5 pounds and made from plastics with ABS strengtheners and no-stretch toughened nylon

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Longest Battery Life

Charge lasts up to 200 donations, roughly a month of collections

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Long-Term Coverage

3-year manufacturer warranty and 1-year battery warranty

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Proven Results

The only mixer/scale with published results for both safety and productivity measures

We offer a variety of CMRS options to meet your operational needs from the complimentary CMRS Standard to subscription-based CMRS Data and CMRS Connect, which include HemoVue Analytics Platform for real-time data management.

400 Basic
Logging of the calibration weight value     Supports compliancewith SOPs
Force daily calibration option    
Staff-ID scan prior to calibration option    
Required barcode scan option    
Scrub and dry timer    
Multi-lingual: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French & German     Operational Benefit
Device time sync (if used with CMRS)    
Customizable incident labels    
Automatic transmission of unsent data records    
Alternate Container Lot # barcode option    
Variable Blood Volume    
Variable low flow alarm 20-50 mL/min    
Language management    
Alarm management    
Configurable SPG factor 1.050-1.060    

The Hemoflow 400 Basic portable scale and mixer

Our easy-to-use HemoFlow 400 Basic is your globally certified, blood bank tested, and hospital friendly solution. It can help enhance your operations with improved process compliance and automated phlebotomy procedures. And, if needed, it can be easily upgraded to the HemoFlow 400XS.

laptop and tablet with adept interface